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Frequently Asked Questions:


1: What is BER?

A Building Energy Rating is a cert which labels a property with a performance band from A1 to G dependant on its efficiency. The cert closely resembles the efficiency label given to white goods E.G. Tumble Dryers.


2: Who pays the cost of BER Certification?

The costs associated with having a Building Energy Rating Certificate (BER) carried out are bourn by the homeowner, seller or landlord of a property, including local authorities and other housing providers..


3: When is an Energy Rating legally required?

Building Energy Rating Certificate (BER) for New Dwellings Since the 1st January 2007 all new dwellings require a BER Certificate prior to occupancy. A provisional cert is created from the House drawings and a Final cert when the home is complete. The earlier a BER assessment is carried out in the design stage, the easier it is to incorporate more energy efficient materials and technologies into the build. Building Energy Rating Certificate (BER) for existing Since the 1st of January 2009 when an existing property is offered for sale or to let there is a legal requirement for the property to have a Building Energy Rating Certificate (BER).


4: What are the legal implications for non compliance?

Up to a €5,000 fine for not getting a Building Energy Rating, when required.


5: Are any buildings exempt from BER?

The Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) applies to almost all buildings, residential and non-residential, both new and existing. However, Article 3 of S.I. No.666 of 2006 provides exemptions for the following categories of buildings: Historical, architectural importance (protected structures), religious buildings, buildings of low occupancy or size and certain agricultural buildings..


6: Who will carry out the BER?

BERs will be carried out by specially trained BER assessors, registered by Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). A register of BER Assessors is available on the SEAI website . BER assessors (usually building professionals like architects, engineers, etc.) must have successfully completed a validated training programme provided by an accredited training provider. The SEAI will only publish ratings produced by registered BER assessors. .


7: How is it calculated?

The calculation takes into account the buildings fabric, ventilation, space heating, water heating, and lighting, when calculating a BER. The dimensions of the property coupled with the above elements are used to formulate the energy rating. The rating is expressed in the form of performance bands, rated on a scale of A to G, with ‘A’ being the most energy efficient, and ‘G’ being the least energy efficient. .


8: What are the benifits of a BER?

A BER indicates clearly the energy efficiency of a property and is of great assistance to homeowners wishing to reduce their energy bills and help the environment. It also lets prospective buyers or tenants estimate the running costs of a property therefore influencing the properties value..


9: What happens if my home gets a low rating?

From 2019, all new homes must comply with EU directives in relation to insulation and energy performance (A2 standard), however, there will be no obligation on owners to upgrade existing homes in the event that their home fails to achieve a good rating. It is expected however that homes with higher ratings will be easier to dispose of and they are likely to command higher prices on the open market. Also, since 2019, homes undergoing significant renovations must have a B2.


10: Can I improve my Energy Rating?

With the Building Energy Rating (BER) comes an advisory report. This outlines recommendations which if undertaken will improve the energy performance of the property. You may choose to implement none, some or all of these recommendations.


Building Assessors may recommend some of the following:

• Improvements to insulation in walls, attics or floors.

• Installing more energy efficient windows and doors.

• A more controlled and healthier ventilation system

• Replacement of old and inefficient boilers with new high efficiency boiler.

• Installation of a modern heating control system.

• The insulating of the hot water cylinder and visible pipe work.

• Replacement of traditional light bulbs with low energy alternatives.

• The draught proofing of windows and doors.


The advisory report is a useful document for home owners and buyers alike. It is particularly essential to people who have just purchased an existing dwelling which they plan to improve or renovate and homeowners wishing to reduce their utility bills.


11: Is a BER required for a property for sale off plans?

A Provisional Building Energy Rating is required for dwelling being sold off plans. The Provisional BER cert must be provided to the potential buyer of the property. This BER Cert is based on construction plans and is valid for two years..


12: As a homeowner why should I get a BER carried out?

It’s a good idea to get a BER carried out on your home to assess heat loss through roof, walls, ground floor, windows, and your space heating and domestic hot water system. The home energy audit will highlight the energy loss and advise you on practical solutions that will improve the energy efficiency of your home.


These recommendations made by a qualified energy assessor will ensure that you only install systems and technologies that are suitable for your home.


13: How do I find out more information?

Simply call Energy Assure on +353(0)1-2697944 and one of our registered assessors will be more then happy to answer any query you may have or e-mail us on



Energy Assure 
70 Northumberland Road,

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Tel: 01-2697944



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